Real Life Fridays. CONFESSION TIME

So I have been embarking on a season of growing to appreciate the things about myself that I previously didnt appreciate/disliked/was embarrassed about...etc. When I was at home for spring break, my best friend introduced this simple term to me and I have wholeheartedly tried to embrace it. 
"Just do you."
Plain. Simple. Profound.
We were all made in the image of God, however we are all so different. I don't claim to understand it...but I am choosing to own it. SO, to that end, I am going to come out with things about me that might seem weird to the average human being but all knit together to form the fabric that makes up Evangeline Osemudiame Oriakhi

1. I like tabloids. A lot. For whatever reason, I care about what is going on in Hollywood. Does it directly affect me? Absolutely not. Do I still care? Yep.

2. I don't necessarily enjoy eating healthy foods. I do it, but I don't like it. I would much rather eat burgers and ribs all day err'y day.

3. I like country music. I don't think it's quite caught on here in Chicago (or at least at my school) but we'll see where it's at once I'm through here.

4. I do not have a passion for science! This has been a huge one for me to deal with because {spoiler alert} there is a lot of science in pharmacy school. The thought of doing research in a lab makes me want to eat glass (not really, but kinda). Literally the last 4.5 years of schooling (with 3.5 left) have been science, science, science. Now before you all fall to pieces, I think that it's actually ok. I LOVE people and I love healthcare so I am aware that science is just a necessary evil that will open up the doors for me to do what I love--provide healthcare to people.

*side note*
In life, people will try to tell you that you have to be a certain way to do certain things well. I wholeheartedly disagree. While there may be some personality traits that naturally predispose certain individuals to do certain tasks, I believe that if God calls you to something, he will give you grace to walk in it, even if it may not make sense to other people.

5. I like watching the Bachelor{ette}. I know it's trashy. I know they (almost) never work out in the end. But I can't. tear. myself. away.

6. I used to hate being a tall girl. Now I like it :)

7. I sometimes talk to myself. Usually it's when I am preparing to have a big conversation with someone...I just like to do a little dress rehearsal with myself! 

8. I don't hate Nickelback. (feels good to get that one off my chest). I am already anticipating floodgates of hate that have no doubt flung upen but I'll say it loud and proud! I know everyone says that all his stuff sounds the same...and it does. But I just like the huskiness of his voice, OK?! 

9. I am not really that adventurous {on my own}. I can be adventurous depending on the situation. I usually weigh the pros and cons and if it is in any way, shape, or form "life threatening" I tend to refrain from involving myself in said situation. And I usually stick to my guns. I think it all probably goes back to my "expecting the worst" problem that you can read about HERE. I'm working on it! 

//here is a picture from a couple of summers ago. All my friends are jumping off this bridge. I am watching in the upper right hand corner//

10. I love kids and want to have lots of them. I'll leave it at that.

11. My wedding is all planned out. Every detail. And you know what, I am not ashamed. It simply means that there will be little to do once the right seƱor comes around. If you are curious, you can check out my pinterest wedding board.

Well, there it is! I hope you all still want to by my friends. I feel like they weren't as bad as Usher's confessions (espesh part II...) Care to play along? Tell me what some of your cooky yet awesome quirks are!


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