Day #5//be still.

I might have fallen asleep at prayer this morning.
There, I said it. I am not sure if I was 100% unaware of what was happening but I do know that my eyes were definitely not open. Even still, it was a good start to my morning to worship with my brothers and sisters. That being said, today was definitely the most tired that I have been this week. Without a doubt. I got five hours of sleep last night and had 2 midterms today! It was one of those 'if I can just get through today I will be golden' days. But I got through it. PRAISE THE LORD, seriously.

I love how God gives us just what we need. The idea of daily bread was one that I didn't fully understand until this week. I woke up this morning with little or no energy and God was faithful to provide me with just enough energy to get through the day and accomplish all that I needed to.

There is so much that I have learned throughout this fast, which is already more than I can say about the last two years that I have done it. I will probably expound more on them once the fast is over but for now I am learning to be still, listen, incline my ears. So often we come to God without waiting to hear what he would say to us. I am learning that I need to practice listening so that I might be able to recognize it more quickly. There is so much to learn. God, make me teachable.


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