dealing with baby fever.

Fun fact: I love babies. Like, a lot. I grew up literally having like, 15 baby dolls. All my friends know that I want to have like, a zillion kids (that may be a mild over-exaggeration, but WHATEVER). Growing up, I would try to seize every opportunity that I could to be around little babies and since I have been in school, I feel like I have been a little baby-deprived (among other forms of deprivation). AND with my 23rd birthday looming over my head, I just feel like I have the worst case of BABY FEVER EVER. I'm talking my LOINS start to ache (is that even a real thing? Believe me, it feels real) at the mere sight of a baby.

Here is a cute baby story. This past weekend, I got to hold the sweetest little baby who happened to be born on my half birthday so naturally we felt a strong connection. I bounced her up and down and sang songs to her and then finally (*reluctantly) got up to pass her to her mommy. Before I handed her over, I told her mom "I just really love your baby" and right as those words were uttered from my mouth, she spat up on me! A considerable amount. But here is the kicker, people: I WASN'T EVEN MAD. If that doesn't prove how deep my love for babies runs then I don't know what does. 

Now, I have been told that I am not alone in this treacherous sickness. Apparently, tis the season to have babies or become pregnant or whatever, BOTH of which are not options for me so what I have concocted is a little list to help other women (and men...) navigate the choppy waters of baby fever.

1) Have a baby. (duh)
This may seem obvious but if you and your significant other are in a place where you can bring a child into this world and care for and nurture it, then what the heck are you waiting for? Get to it and start growing your very own bun in your very own oven. From what I hear, baby making is the fun part so if you are able, then by all means GO AHEAD.

2)Borrow a baby. (otherwise known as BABYsitting.)
Now, in order for this to be a viable option, you must know someone that 
a) has a baby AND
b) trusts you enough to leave said baby in your care. 
This option is great if you have close family or friends who have babies and just need a breather. Guess what? Having a baby is hard! Sometimes new parents just want to take a nap, or go to the grocery store or go on a date. You can be the answer to their prayers! You'll be helping them and (they may not know it but) they'll be helping you. This, my friends is what we call a symbiotic relationship. {See, you are not only learning how to cure baby fever, but you are also receiving a random but relevant scientific tidbit. You're welcome.)

3) Hold a baby.
Maybe you have a track record of stealing babies/staring creepily at babies and so your friends/relatives don't want to let you out of their sight with their precious infant. Never fear! You're in luck. If you offer to hold their baby under their direct supervision, they will be more likely to oblige. You get to hold their baby, and they get to watch you to make sure you don't disappear with their child.

4)Create a baby board on Pinterest.
We all know that nothing is as good as the real thing, but looking at pictures comes pretty close, right? Like, I know that I will never marry Jim from The Office a) because he is not even a real character, b) because he is already fictionally married to Pam, and c) because Jim's real life actor, John Krasinski is already married to Emily Blunt...but that doesn't stop me from looking at pictures of him on the internet and watching The Office wishing that he was my husband...but I digress.
Sometimes it is nice to just look at babies and dream about the day when you will get to have one of your very own. That, my friends, is what Pinterest is for. I have my very own baby pinterest board, SEE?

In conclusion, seeing as I am single as all get out, and I am also in pharmacy school which, SURPRISE, SURPRISE is not crawling with people who are just popping out babies, I tend to resort to option 4, 3 if I am lucky. But don't limit yourself to just one! Any combination of these options should do the trick. And if I left any out, feel free to list some ways that you cope with the dreaded baby fever in the comment section!


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