my God is faithful.

Hello! I know it has been a while since I've updated this blog. Sometimes life just gets in the way, ya know? In the last couple of weeks I've:

Completed my first year of pharmacy school
Moved off of campus
Moved (temporarily) back home for the summer
Changed my hair
Become employed
Got back in touch with my country dancing roots
Got a list of books to read for the summer
Upgraded from the Crackberry to something Steve Jobs would approve of
Seen Josh Garrels perform in Portland
Finally experienced some sunshine

Long story short, it's been a wonderful, relaxing time back in the Willamette Valley. But strangely, it doesn't quite feel complete. As much as I love Oregon and all that it has to offer, I find myself longing to share it with the people that I've had the immense pleasure of doing life with in Chicago these past several months. When ever I gaze at the horizon interrupted by mountains and trees, I find myself wishing that my Chicago friends were here to experience it with me. When I am in Portland and I see a strange man wearing a kilt and walking barefoot like it ain't no thing, I think about all the people I know that would get a kick out such a bizarre sight. I am sometimes surprised by the great desire I have to be back worshiping with my brothers and sisters at Church in the City, growing with them as we press into the Lord together. 

But most of all, I am thankful to have found people who I miss. This year was not an easy one for me. Most of my peers are marveling at how quickly this year flew by. I, on the other hand, have found this year to be something like running on a treadmill (completely disregard the following illustration if you are one of those people that enjoys running on a treadmill. I envy you.). You get on the treadmill thinking, "this won't be that bad, I am only running for half an hour. Not too long. I can totally do this!" After what seems like an eternity, you look down at the clock. 3:53. Thats how long you've been running. It's because time literally comes to a stand still when you are doing something that isn't that much fun. That's how I would describe this year.

But even though it was a (VERY) long year, I got to experience the goodness of God in a way that I wouldn't have been able to under any other circumstances. There were weeks where I literally didn't see how I could make it through all the tests and papers and assignments set before me. But God was faithful to remind me that he is the one who sustains me and that he would bring me through. When I didn't feel like I had any friends, God was faithful to not only be my best friend, but also to bring good friend around me at the appointed time. He taught me more about trusting him in this last year than in any other season of life. He is so good, and I am so grateful.

After all You are sovereign
After all, You are only good
After all, You are constant
Not for a moment did You forsake me

Fiesta! with my future rommies

So good to be reunite with this sweet friend
*and me being true to form and wearing a parka when it's summery weather outside

at my favorite campus coffee shop
my sweet friends before a fun night of country dancing
at the Saturday Farmers Market

at one of the most beautiful parks I've been to in Portland

such a cool, hip, modern home

a random, unsuspecting gentleman on the burnside bridge

the best pizza in all the land (American Dream Pizza)

some fine gentlemen

quality time with my best friend

quaint, picturesque home in Hauthorne District

Ran into this beauty at the Josh Garrels concert

The man himself/// Josh Garrels

my two favorite colors; the blue of the skies with the green of the trees

spent some time at a cemetary


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