ushered back into the land of the living...

Well hello! Guess what? I am not dead. I have just been so stinkin' busy for the past two months that unfortunately blogging has been pushed down the very bottom of my priority list. Oh, I did think about how many of you I was letting down. I was tortured with the thoughts of you weeping and gnashing your teeth over not knowing what was going on in this life of mine. But dry your tears, my friends! I am back*!

So what's new with me? What have I been up to? For starters, remember when I went to San Francisco at the beginning of the summer?(it's ok if you don't. I am not offended.) Well, funny story, my family moved there in September! Well, Milpitas, actually. Was I jealous of all the sun or the lack of rain or the fact that Frisco is just a stone's throw away? Obviously not. That was definitely hard to get adjusted to. Then, for the first time, I found myself living on my own. So I lived in the dorms my freshman year of college so I guess I was on my own then. But my family was also in town and believe it or not, it actually makes a huge difference when you can drive a few minutes to get "home" and see your family/do laundry/eat real food/etc...

Living in a house with 3 other friends has been such a fun experience! Has anyone ever had a really bad roommate experience? Well, not to brag or anything, but I haven't! My roommate freshman year was a Godsend and she is still one of my best friends! And this year I have my own room in a beautiful home near campus and I couldn't be more blessed. I have become a greener person by riding my bike(just not when it basically, not until May...) and taking the bus.

School...I am not going to waste a whole paragraph on that subject.

Real Life, however has been amazing! We just got back from an awesome retreat in Sun River! We had an awesome speaker, awesome fellowship, and awesome food! It was so cool to be able to watch God move in the peoples lives, be it in large or small ways. I am excited for what he is going to do in my life and in the life of His body in this upcoming year. Speaking of the body of Christ, I joined a new house church! I am so so SO excited to be a part of the one that I am in. I have really been praying for a way for me to get more connected with the families at Calvary Chapel and this has been such an answered prayer!

I have had little or no time for leisure reading but I have been able to cram in a few splendid moments from Francis Chan reading
Crazy Love. Have you heard of it? Read it? what are your thoughts? It is probably one of my favorite books and I am not even finished yet! [if we are being honest, I am not even half way ] More on that later :)

Sorry if this has been boring. The truth is that I have wanted to blog for a long time but aside from having absolutely no time to do anything other than study all the live long day, I have been lacking inspiration on what to write about! I figured I'd better buy myself some time by talking about something that required little or no effort! I look forward to coming up with something more riveting to discuss in future topics :)

peace and blessings!

*Although it probably wont be for very long because finals week is right around the corner which means I will be drowning in my books...


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