"you're making me stumble!"
Ok so in all honesty, I don't really know where exactly this phrase is from but all I do know is that two of my good friends Aaron and Jesse have been saying it ALL WEEKEND LONG and frankly, it's been driving me a little bit crazy. But this word, stumble, usually only a word that I used when I saw a really attractive boy, has new meaning for me. What?! you might ask? Has Eva found the ultimate stumbling block? In a way yes, I have. But probably not in the way that you might think. You see, yesterday I "stumbled upon" stumbleupon.com and now my free time will never be the same again. Basically, this brilliant invention is a website search engine designed especially to fit your needs! What I mean is, you choose a category(there are SO many!) such as interior design and it will instantly take you to something like this:

Or maybe interior design isn't your fancy, maybe you are interested in dolls/puppets (I said maybe).Then check this out--bet you wouldn't have found this yourself if you hadn't stumbled upon it :) There are just so many categories from fishing, to clothing, to fashion, to architecture to babys, the list goes on and on forever. It really is one of the most brilliant things I've come across in a while.
Is this the first you are hearing about stumble upon? Did you try it? Did you like it? Have I made you stumble?
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