i wish i had a million dollars...hotdog!

Boy oh boy oh boy. Well it looks like another week has come and gone and the weekend has officially begun. Well I suppose that the weekend officially begun and 2:50pm, when I got done with my last class but that is neither here nor there. This weekend will be a busy one. Plenty of homework, house work, and other spectacular forms of work. Woe is me. Well, for lack of any creative ideas of my own to post, here is one that I stole off of Lauren's blog. Who knows, maybe someday I will come up with something this brilliant on my own!

1. Today I am feeling sleepy. Probably because it's approaching midnight.

2. If I were you I'd start reading a good book this next week. don't judge me, I'm just a bookworm!

3. Love is: something that,
in it's purest form, can only be found in Jesus .

4. I always have a mint(because icy fresh breath changes everything! thanks Dentyne Ice) before leaving the house.

5. I feel prettiest when I'm
wearing a beautiful black dress,curls, and a clear complexion .

6. If I had a million dollars I'd buy a cute little vintage house in the historic district of Corvallis. Then, with
the rest, I would try and build as many clean water wells around the world as I could .

7. I'm looking forward to a glorious weekend and my next visit to Ikea .
Speaking of Ikea, my FAVORITE STORE in the whole, wide world, here is a picture of a bedroom that I absolutely adore:
I think that if I had a million dollars I would by this bedroom from Ikea and have them install it into my new modern/vintage house that I buy :) What would you do if you had a million dollars?


  1. eva! can we please take a roadtrip to portland sometime soon and "crash" ikea? i would love to spend time with you, and a swedish furniture adventure sounds like one of the best possible ways imaginable to accomplish that! :)
    I love you, and your heart.

  2. Oh my goodness jill I would soo love that! I would love to spend time with you, too! You have no idea how much of a blessing you are to the people around you :)


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