The Journey.

September is here and it is still incredibly difficult for me to wrap my mind around that. The days just seem to be fly I think back to where I was six months ago and it's astonishing how much life can change. At the time of my last post, I was heartbroken, depressed, and significantly dissatisfied with life as it was. I felt like I was sinking into this deep hole and there wasn't anything that could keep me from falling deeper and deeper. So I started reading books. You are a Badass. Milk & Honey. Passion Meets Wisdom. And slowly, but surely, God used these words to pull me out of the depths and show me that my life was not in fact over and I didn't have to continue living this way. I started changing the way I was thinking (poverty mindset) and realized that there was nothing heroic about remaining in misery. So I quit my job and got a job with a dream of a company (more on that later). I started filling my weekends with people and places that I loved and that brought me joy. And I started looking for God's goodness in every situation and trusting that, though things may not make sense, in time God will reveal the "why" of all things, little by little. 

Life right now is by no means perfect. Not even close. But I am learning with each day that passes, that there is so much beauty in the journey. And every trial and experience is necessary to lead you to where you are meant to be. Nothing is wasted, you guys. If you are going through some hard sh*t, take heart in knowing that there is purpose in it and that God is likely using what you're going through to grow you in ways that will only make sense farther along. 


  1. Love this and how God made you Eva! I hadn't even read your post from April. And what a blessing to read that and then this post at the same time. I love reading my (sporadic) journal again sometimes as it reminded of God's redemption and love and faithfulness in my own life. Thank you for sharing your heart and journey. It is a testimony to our Heavenly Father truly present in your life.


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