new normal.

Believers will be given the power to perform miracles: they will drive out demons in my name; they will speak in strange tongues; if they pick up snakes or drink any poison, they will not be harmed; they will place their hands on sick people, and these will get well.”
Mark 16:17-18

This was the reality that the disciples walked in once they received the Holy Spirit. Actually, it wasn't just the disciples...the book of Acts records numerous believers who, by the power of the Holy Spirit, laid hands on and healed people. I used to think that this was something that was reserved for the "super spiritual" people but that couldn't be further from the truth! Every believer of Jesus Christ has access to the same power that raised Christ from the dead. We ALL have the ability to hear from God. He is all about advancing his Kingdom and pushing against the darkness with his light and he wants to partner with us! It's amazing.

Tonight, a group of us from church walked around Chicago looking for people to bless. As we asked God what he wanted to do, he told one of the guys in my group that he wanted to heal someone's right shoulder. So we went up to a group of guys and asked if any of them had a hurt shoulder. One of them did. We prayed for it and God healed it! He was completely amazed and encouraged. Another group prayed over a homeless man who had been beaten up with a baseball bat and had a limp/immobile arm...God completely healed it! 

The thing is, God is doing that kind of thing everyday. I feel like when I used to hear stories of that kind of thing happening, I would be super surprised, like "Wow, God really can still heal! The people that God chooses to use must be really special, spiritual people!" But here's the thing, people: This type of thing shouldn't be an anomaly in the Christian walk, but rather something that is very commonplace. 

The Holy Spirit is so awesome, you guys. Emmanuel. God with us. Let us take hold of him and walk in the power of Christ!

Check out this awesome video where God heals this woman's leg!


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