My Healer.

So 3 years ago I sustained what I thought would be a life-changing injury: I tore my ACL. One painful surgery later and I was on crutches wondering if I would ever be able to move around the way I was had been able to. You have to understand that as someone whose identity was built on my athletic abilities and not on who I was in Christ, my inability to participate in any kind of sporting activities was a huge blow to my life.

Even though I was told that I would make a full (long) recovery, my knee was still not responding well to physical activity. And by not responding well I mean that after any sort of physical exertion my knee would swell up beyond recognition and I would hobble around on a limp for the next few days. I was completely devastated. I had had people lay hands on me asking God for healing. I had laid hands on myself asking the Lord for a miracle. Nothing was seeming to improve and I was beginning to just accept the fact that I would be broken for the rest of my life.

One funny thing about college is that people run for fun and it's a great way to just meet people. I was getting frustrated because after every run, my knee would be sore for at least 2 weeks and so it was difficult to build up any sort of endurance when you are only running every 2 weeks at best. So running became one of those things that I desperately wanted to do but resolved that it wouldn't be a reality anytime soon.

For SOME strange reason, this year the Lord put it on my heart to give running another try. I don't know if I believed that anything would be different but I figured that I would give it one last go. I went on a run during the second week of January with some friends from church who had started training for a 15k. We did about 3.5 miles that night and I was nervous to see how my knee would do the next day. It was pretty painful actually but I decided that I would go again the next day to see if the pain got worse. It didn't! But I decided to give it a little rest and then see how it felt to run on the next week. Long story short, God has healed my knee. Where I used to not be able to run more than two miles at best, he has continued to saturate me with endurance and push me further than I ever thought I could go. So now, I am training for my first ever 15k and running anywhere from 15-20 miles a week.
It has been so incredible to see God's faithfulness to not only heal my knee, but to also grant me my desire to become a runner. With each run I am just so reminded of how our life with the Lord is like a run and how good God is to give us enough endurance for us to run the race that he has called us to.

This year I joined this nike plus website challenge to try to run 211 miles in 2011. Now that I've done the math it appears that I only have to run 3.83 miles a week in order to fulfill that goal...Maybe I should triple it? Wow I never even thought that I would be setting running goals again! To God alone be the glory.


  1. Oh my goodness, Eva! That is so amazing! Praise God. I'm glad you are able to get back out there and do what you love!
    And, I've gotten super into thrift shopping lately, but this last time i did not go to Buffalo. I actually have sold there but have yet to shop there. Ian loves it though!


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