This Christmas, give the gift of...snail mail?

Think back...back to before texting, calling, emailing, and even facebook messaging (goodness, how did we ever get by?). How on earth did we communicate with people that were far away? Well, back in the stone ages was a little something called writing a letter. This year, thanks to the departure of many good friends, I have rediscovered the lost art of chicken scratching a letter to someone. Let me tell you there are few greater joys in life (at least in mine anyways :] ) than receiving a letter in the mail. I am obviously not talking about bills, although those are great reminders of how old we are. I am talking about and honest-to-goodness hey-how-are-you-doing-me?-I-am-doing-well-here's-what's-been-going-on-in-my-life...-letter.

I remember the first letter that I wrote to a friend of my own accord was to one of my best friends, Christopher Brown in his first summer at the Air Force Academy. It was so cool to think that even though he was in a new and unfamiliar place, he would have my words to remind him of home! Like I mentioned before, a couple of my best friends moved away at the end of last school year so we decided what we would become pen pals during the time that we are apart and it has been the most delightful experience.

Maybe it's because of the time that it takes to actually write a letter, or maybe it's because of the sheer unpopularity of snail mail, but I always feel so loved and appreciated when I get one in the mail. So I would encourage you, if you are looking for something sweet and special to do for someone you love this Christmas, write them a letter! Hand write it. I guarantee it will make them feel cherished and treasured and who knows, maybe they will return the favor!


  1. I think this is so true! I agree that there is nothing better than to recieve a letter in the mail from a friend. I feel like it's because there is so much time that is involved with writing a letter and then sending it. I mean you have to gather all of the materials and then actually write what you want to say which takes a lot longer than merely typing out words, and then you have to put it into the envelope, pay the postage and bring it to a mailbox to send it. Unless you REALLY wanted to send someone a letter, most people wouldn't. Maybe that's why it's so special?

    Plus! it has so much more character than an email or a facebook message! Because you have the persons handwriting and, if you're like me, there are random scratch-outs of words because you made a mistake or wanted to say something else!! :)


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