seriously...a cow?

pc (uc davis)

So I've been thinking a lot about the Israelites--how silly they were, how slow they were to learn, how easily they forgot everything, and how similar I am to them. Kind of sobering BUT it is also reassuring to see how God's love for them endured through all their disobedience and stupidity because I know he will be as long-suffering towards me.

I've been thinking about one story in particular--you may know it. It's the one where Moses goes up to the mountain to meet with God as well as to get the 10 commandments. What does he find when he comes back down the mountain? The people have fashioned for themselves a golden cow. Now I don't know exactly what must have been going through his mind but the first thing I would have thought would be a cow?! Of all the animals that you could come up with to make an idol of... you came up with the cow? Not a bear, not a lion, not even an elephant? Heaven knows that a cow doesn't strike terror in the heart of anyone. A bull maybe but a baby cow?

So yeah, it's stupid. But God has really been reminding me of how stupid the things that I elevate above him are so it made me a little cautious about judging them. Jesus ought to be the number one in my life. Not homework, not facebook, not the Bachelorette, not Urban Outfitters...none of these things love me unconditionally. None of them died for me on the cross. So none of them are worthy of time that belongs to the Lord.


  1. I love this Eva! I've thought about that story before and judged them about making the cow too but then I realized the same thing! It's so easy to worship something else in place of God and it can be so deceptive too because we don't even realize what we're doing!

  2. Well put. Thanks again for visiting "A Tree Planted by Water"


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