
Showing posts from February, 2010

your words have power.

What do I mean by this. Well, a wise man (Solomon!)once said that "life and death lie in the power of the tongue" There is an incredible amount of power in your testimony. God has done such a unique work in your life but I don't believe that it's supposed to stop with you. One way that the enemy tries to isolate us is just by making us think that we are the only ones struggling with________ and that isolation can be instrumental in keeping us in that cycle of sin. I think that God brings us through certain things because he knows that by us sharing them it will be an encouragement and a blessing to somebody else and even give them the courage to share what they've been through or even ask for prayer for what they are struggling with. Sometime I will share my whole testimony but seeing as I'm supposed to be sleeping/or doing homework, I gotta make this short. My 2nd pastor(basically), Matt Chandler of The Village Church in Flower Mound, TX encourages the memb...

::games people play::

I love playing games. I love making up games to play with certain people. I love playing fun games with fun people . But there are some instances where it is ABSOLUTELY not ok to play games. It is not ok to play games with your teacher when they are lecturing. Or with your parents when they are grounding you. Or with God...ever. But I totally play games with God, like all the time. I'm pretty sure that we all do. And these games are not fun but we play them in order to stay in our own comfort zone, but in the end they only lead us farther away from the Lord. Game # 1: Create our own Jesus. Have you ever heard from Christians or otherwise the following statement or variations of: Jesus would not ask me to do________because he wants me to be happy and that would not be conducive to my happiness therefore he would not really want me to do that. Unfortunately, this Jesus does not exist, but sometimes we re-create our own Jesus. We mistake God's love for us as meaning that because ...

Jehovah Tsidkenu.

Aren't you glad that God doesn't love some future version of you? That He didn't choose you thinking "I'll pick her to be my child, clean her up so she doesn't sin as much, then I'll show her my unconditional love." Because that's probably what I would do if I were God. Or I would tell mankind "you're not good enough right now, but come see me in a few years when you have cleaned up your act a bit and then we'll talk." I think that some people have that mindset of God. I'll admit, I did for a really long time. I thought that I had to follow a checklist of things: don't cuss, don't drink, and don't have sex. Do all of these things and you can earn God's love! I was really religious. I thought that God was this giant policeman in the sky waiting for me to screw up so he could unleash his wrath on me. There is a huge difference between religion and Christianity. With religion, you must obey in order to gain Chris...


First of all, I thought that this was adorable: HOW WOULD YOU MAKE A MARRIAGE WORK? Tell your wife that she looks pretty even if she looks like a truck. - Rick, age 10 Valentine's Day used to be my favorite holiday, not because of how romantic it was or because I had a special someone to share it with. No, Valentine's Day was my favorite holiday because in elementary school it was a day that meant I could enjoy copious amounts of candy, courtesy of my classmates.(You might wonder, what about Halloween? Well that was a holiday that we did not celebrate in our family and therefore I never got to reap the "benefits" of trick-or-treating.)You remember, everyone in the class bought those bulk cheesy one-line Valentine's cards for the entire class and attached some kind of sweet heart-shaped chocolate or something. My 2nd grade Valentine's day was particularly memorable because I had 40(yes, 40) kids in my class so that meant 40 different Valentine's! Anyways,...

50 Life Lessons

Here are a few (ok, 50) truths that really blessed me today. They are called 50 Life Lessons by Regina Brett. Obviously, anyone who has lived knows that life teaches WAY more than 50 lessons but here are some good ones. Also, I've highlighted my favorites. What are yours? 1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.( Kind of like God, right? SO glad that he isn't fair) 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 5. Pay off your credit cards every month. 6. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone. 8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it. 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. 10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. 11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present. 12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry. 13. Don’t compare your life to others...

"you're making me stumble!"

Ok so in all honesty, I don't really know where exactly this phrase is from but all I do know is that two of my good friends Aaron and Jesse have been saying it ALL WEEKEND LONG and frankly, it's been driving me a little bit crazy. But this word, stumble, usually only a word that I used when I saw a really attractive boy, has new meaning for me. What?! you might ask? Has Eva found the ultimate stumbling block? In a way yes, I have. But probably not in the way that you might think. You see, yesterday I "stumbled upon" and now my free time will never be the same again. Basically, this brilliant invention is a website search engine designed especially to fit your needs! What I mean is, you choose a category(there are SO many!) such as interior design and it will instantly take you to something like this: apartment therapy anyone? Or maybe interior design isn't your fancy, maybe you are interested in dolls/puppets (I said maybe ).Then check this o...