So almost one week later...
I'm back! You know sometimes it's so hard to get up the gumption to write on this thing but once I start, I find that its actually not so bad ;) I suppose its been a fairly average week. The highlight I would say would be going to The Way up at Solid Rock Fellowship in Beaverton, Oregon. Not that The Way hasn't been awesome every single time that I've been there, but this past Friday was exceptionally spectacular because my very own college pastor IAN NELSON was bringing the message! He is so gifted when it comes to speaking so of course he did a great job. Have you ever noticed how when you are watching someone that you know speak in front of a large group of people you tend to pay more attention? Like every little detail involving their surroundings seems to be carrying impending doom if they make the wrong move? It was so funny, we were sitting front and center and we were watching Ian pace back and forth as he spoke [a normal occurance for our ADD pastor] and we not...